
I love pregenerated characters. They’re great for con games, online games, pick-up games, or when you need replacement characters after a TPK.  They’re an easy way to get new people gaming quickly.  Obviously you won’t use pregens in every game (more later), but they are handy to have around.  This article will talk about some ways to get the most out of your pregens, perhaps even for years and years.  We’ll first look at some things to consider when creating your pregens, then how to use them to save time.  Most of my examples will be from the fantasy genre, but the philosophy should work for any genre.


This part will take you some time, but if you get it right, you’ll only have to do it once.  Create 6-8 pregens for the system you are most comfortable running, and that you can realistically find players for.  Create your pregens, covering all the major classes or roles needed for the system.  Don’t worry about covering every possible permutation of race and class, just hit the standard builds.  You don’t have to start with beginning or “level one” characters.  For example, if you prefer to start players off at level three to increase survivability, then stat up third level characters.  Don’t give the characters names or genders.  Let your players do that later.


Type this file into a word processing program or spreadsheet.  You want a digital copy to edit if you find mistakes or your players have trouble reading the character sheets.


Save this file.  Twice.  You’ll want a working copy to edit as players give you names or background details.  Also, you’ll need to change stats as players gain experience.  However make sure you have a separate, clean copy of the original stats.  This is going to save you time later.


You may want to make some tokens that represent the characters.  I try to have a variety of both genders and of different ethnicities.  I keep these in a baggie in my game box with the character sheets.  Then I have them anytime I get the chance to game.


Making pregens will take you more time than you think.  You’ll need a balanced party, and in a format that is easy for players to read.  Then you can print clean copies whenever you need them.  Beyond that, you can use these pregens to save you time in some other situations.


New editions:  Suppose your favorite game comes out with a new edition (I hear it happens).  Many of the stats will remain the same, and it should be fairly easy to convert your pregens to the new system.  Again, keep the original file.  You might not like the new edition (I hear that happens too).


Being a Player:  Sometimes even long-time GM’s get a chance to play.  Just print out your favorite pregen, check with your GM, and you’re ready to go.  Many GM’s will even let you use the pregen even if it is a different level or different edition than they are running.  Be nice to those GM’s, they’re good people.


Different Genres:  Sometimes you want to run a different genre and don’t have the time or inclination to learn a different ruleset.  Simply reskin your pregens (keeping the original file), and you’re all set.  For example, I ran a “Redwall” type game for several sessions.  My wizard became a frog-wizard just by adding swimming and jumping special abilities.  The player even made outboard motor noises while swimming.


 Need a Jedi-type?  Take your cleric and change “Turn undead” to “Affect Weak Minds”, tweak the spell list (be sure to include Telekinesis), and it will probably work just fine.  Need a Vulcan?  Perhaps a Sleep or Hold Person spell can model the Vulcan Neck Pinch.  With very little work, you can stretch your pregens to cover a variety of genres.


Sure there’ll be times when you won’t use pregens.  Some players prefer to design their own characters from scratch.  Some groups make creating their characters the entire first session to assure there are connections between the characters, or to help build the game world.  Sometimes you have to learn a new system because it better models the genre you want to play.  However, having pregens handy to use and reskin may save you some precious prep time.  It may help you game more often too.


How about you?  Do you use/reuse pregens?  If so, let us know below.