Comments on: How To Make A Published RPG Setting Your Own The Gaming Blog Wed, 06 Mar 2024 01:39:54 +0000 hourly 1 By: John ws Marvin Wed, 06 Mar 2024 01:39:54 +0000 This is both wonderful and something I would never implement. I’m way too impatient, and would rather break things and ret-con fix them if needed.

I do want to make a setting my own, but I’m not worried about making sure each and every thing I do fits within the original setting. By the time I finish a campaign (1 year is typical for me), the setting did whatever our table wanted it to do. Leaving a setting in smoking ruins is a great way to end a campaign.

However, I loved reading this, and it could inform my bull in a china shop gamemastering. If I were going to publish content for an existing setting, that’s different, and I might just make this article my bible.

By: Sarah Koeck Sat, 02 Mar 2024 14:14:27 +0000 Thank you so much for taking your time and explaining things so in-depth. For me the most difficult part in all of this is, when I try to come up with something new but then I find something contradictory to the idea or if the players are against that new approach.

I still remember the time where we played a Harry Potter based pen & paper and I dared to let a wizard cast spells without a wand. While every Harry Potter fan knows that this is possible since children do all kinds of funny things before they enter Hogwards or that there exists a school called Uagadou where they teach pupils magic without the use of wands (mentioned in Hogwards : Legacy).

In summary in our story the antagonist was a wizard that pretended to be a muggle who would cast illusions and spells without the use of a wand and gained the thrust of the group over the course of the adventure. When the plot got revealed one of my players suddenly got mad that this isn’t possible in the Harry Potter universe which ended up in a heated argument between the players.

Do you have ever experienced similar discussions or do you have any tips to avoid that kind of thing?
