This is the final roundup before the GMing Q&A Forum’s one-month trial period is over, and this week I’d like to look at definitions of GMing, starting games in media res and recruiting players for non-d20 games.

• DNAphil’s thread about writing your definition of the GM’s role isn’t new, but it’s popped back up this week. Phil’s idea was to compile your own definition of GMing using the 85+ examples from How Different RPGs Define the GM’s Role (one of TT’s most popular posts ever), and it’s an interesting exercise.

• DrNilesCrane started a thread asking if you’ve even begun a campaign in media res (Latin for “in the middle,” more or less) — once the players have their characters made up, your first words are, “Roll for initiative.” This one hasn’t gotten a lot of responses yet — why not pop in and give Mark your take on it?

• ffilz has been having trouble recruiting players for anything other than d20-based RPGs, and he needs your help. He’s gotten some good suggestions already, but there’s plenty of room for more.

If you’ve been enjoying what the GMing Q&A Forum has to offer, but haven’t created an account, now’s the time to sign up! The more GMs that get involved before the trial period ends, the better.