Gnome Stew and our second book, Masks: 1,000 Memorable NPCs for Any Roleplaying Game, are nominated for a total of three GenCon EN World RPG Awards (“ENnies”) this year, and we would greatly, greatly appreciate it if you voted for us.

Voting takes about 30 seconds, is free, and requires no login, and you don’t have to vote in every category. The voting booth is open until July 29. If you want to vote for us, it’s super-easy:

  • Head over to the voting page
  • Scroll to Best Blog and rank Gnome Stew a “1”
  • Scroll to Best Aid/Accessory and rank Masks: 1,000 Memorable NPCs for Any Roleplaying Game a “1”
  • Scroll to Product of the Year and rank Masks: 1,000 Memorable NPCs for Any Roleplaying Game a “1”
  • Click the big “Submit Ballot” button

That’s all! You’ll be in and out in nothing flat. Thank you very, VERY much for voting for us!

Why your vote matters to us

Voting for us is a quick, simple, and painless way to show your support for Gnome Stew, Engine Publishing, our work here on the site, and our books for GMs, and to say that it means a lot to me personally would be understating things. This is huge.

Awards open doors — new freelance work, new career opportunities, new paths — and I want to open those doors for everyone who works on the Stew and on our books. Just being nominated is one way that we know that the free content we provide to the GMing community, and the GMing books we write, matter to folks other than us. Actually winning would be, frankly, pretty damned awesome. We don’t do it for the awards — we do it because we love doing it, and have no intention of stopping — but recognition is powerful, meaningful, and deeply gratifying.

Every single vote counts

We’ve won a silver ENnie for Best Blog the past two years running, and this year I would very much like to bring home the gold. This is the first nomination for our books, and for Engine Publishing, my small-press company. We’ve got fierce competition in all three categories, and I’m not exaggerating when I say that every single vote counts.

If you have friends, coworkers, family, or gaming buddies you’d be willing to ask to vote for us, that would rock — and it could mean the difference between winning and losing. In past years, some awards have been decided by less than a dozen votes! The ENnies come down to turnout, like having a good “ground game” in an election. Anything you can do to help spread the word or widen the net will be deeply appreciated by all of us.

That’s enough out of me — if you haven’t already, please vote for Gnome Stew (Best Blog) and Masks (Best Aid, Product of the Year), and thank you!