Last week, we shared the cover of Gnome Stew’s upcoming book, Eureka: 501 Adventure Plots to Inspire Game Masters Published by Engine Publishing, Eureka will be out before GenCon.

For this week’s preview, we have the first sample from the book! It’s a two-page spread of adventure plots from the fantasy chapter: Download the sample in PDF.

This sample showcases all the elements of a Eureka plot: in addition to the plot itself, you also have the theme (“Daring Enterprise,” which is displayed on the previous page), genre, genres you can easily adapt each plot to, and tags.

In combination with the description from Eureka’s product page, this is a pretty good overview of what you’ll get in the actual book. Future samples will showcase sci-fi and horror plots (and likely the GMing chapter, too).

We hope you like it! If you have any questions about the sample, Eureka as a whole, or anything else book-related, fire away in the comments!

Need More Eureka?

We’ll be sharing samples pretty regularly between now and publication, so you won’t have to go far for your fix — but there are a couple of other places you can check out for Eureka news.

I’ve started an Engine Publishing blog, which will feature posts about Eureka, company news, and a look at RPG publishing from a small-press perspective. Yesterday’s post, for example, was a status update on Eureka.

We’re also on Twitter (@gnomestew and @enginepub) and Facebook (Gnome Stew, Engine Publishing, and we love chatting with readers in both places.