This week’s sample from Gnome Stew’s upcoming book, Eureka: 501 Adventure Plots to Inspire Game Masters, is our biggest yet: six pages from the GMing chapter!

Download sample #3 (big PDF).

A quick warning: You’ll see “p. XXXX” references throughout this sample, as this chapter includes pointers to Eureka’s four indexes.

Those placeholders will be replaced with actual page numbers once we HAVE actual page numbers for the indexes — the horror chapter is currently in layout, and until it’s back we won’t know precisely where the indexes will land.

If you’ve been reading the Stew for a little while, you know I’m anal about that stuff — rest assured that they’ll be removed in the finished product!

With that out of the way, on to the sample itself. This time around, we wanted to give you an idea of just how unique this book is from a GMing perspective, so we included the two sections we thought spoke best to that: How to Use This Book and Adapting Plots to Your Game.

There are snippets from other sections in the sample, as well, because of the way the pages fall — bonus content! We hope you like this sample, and if you have any questions about it or the book in general, fire away in the comments.

Want more Eureka news and info in the weeks leading up to launch? Try these on for size:

Next up in the sample department are plots from the horror chapter and a sample that’s entirely artwork, so you can see more than just a couple of pieces — this book has some truly excellent art.