Hello. I wanted to let everyone know that myself,  John Arcadian, and Matt Neagley were interviewed on the ENnie award winning podcast, Atomic Array (Episode 56), and the episode is now available directly from their site or on iTunes. Ed and Rone were great hosts and we had a great time chatting with them. So download the episode, break out your headphones, and give us a listen.

What? You Don’t Own Eureka! Yet?

If you have not purchased Eureka: 501 Adventure Plots To Inspire Game Masters, then the Atomic Array episode is a great chance to find out exactly what Eureka is, why it will make your life easier as a GM, and just how deep Matt’s voice really is (warning: do not play podcast in cars with custom sub-woofers… you have been warned).

In all seriousness, the Atomic Array interview is a great way to learn about Eureka, and if you listen carefully, you could save some money (hint, hint). There is also an Atomic Array contest, where you could win a copy of Eureka.

But I Already Own Eureka…

Well, thanks. You should still give it a listen, it’s like the director’s cut on a DVD. We talk about Eureka’s design, some of the things we intentionally baked in, and some of the interesting things that we discovered along the way.

For More About Eureka

The Engine Publishing site has a full list of all the reviews that have been done for Eureka, as well as some other podcasts:

  • Order 66 Podcast (MP3) did a one-hour show with Eureka design team members Phil Vecchione and Martin Ralya about the book, Gnome Stew, and how Star Wars GMs can use Eureka.
  • 3.5 Private Sanctuary offers up a 30-minute interview covering the origins of Eureka and Gnome Stew, using Eureka, and its utility for Pathfinder/D&D 3.5e GMs
  • The Tome Show interviewed Eureka author and designer Patrick Benson about the book

Inspire Yourself

If you own Eureka, or are thinking about getting a copy, take a listen to our Atomic Array interview as well as some of our other podcasts.

If you have any questions, drop them off in the comments section and a pack of Gnomes will jump on them and answer them for you.

As always, Eureka can be found at the Engine Publishing online store as well as most places where gaming PDF’s are sold, and in your local FLGS (just ask).