The TT forums turned one today — happy birthday, forums! This past year has gone by so quickly that it really doesn’t feel like that long since the forums went live. In that time, we’ve gone from one board (GMing Q&A) and one member (me) to seven forums and 371 members.

For today’s post, I’d like to spotlight a fan project that was just mentioned on the forums: FASERIP Pulp, by The Evil DM.

FASERIP is the system that drove the old Marvel Super Heroes RPG — it stands for Fighting, Agility, Strength, Endurance, Reason, Intuition, Psyche, the game’s seven attributes. The Evil DM has adapted that system to the pulp genre, and his free FASERIP Pulp PDF is the first draft of that adaptation.

Thank you to everyone who helped to make the first year on the TT forums a great one — and here’s to next year!