Many are the epic arms forged in your fantasy game. But sometimes the most powerful armaments require tools as powerful as they are. Enter these forges of power, able to bring forth the most fantastic of creations.

  • Cold Iron Forge: Created by a race of arctic dwarves, for whom fire was a luxury, this huge rune carved anvil allows purification of ores and forging of weapons and armor using blistering cold instead of heat. Hammering ore on the anvil causes it to crumble to fragments and re-merge purer each time. Refined ores can be tempered and shaped with the cold fire of the runes. Weapons and armor created in the cold iron forge are often heavy and dull, but are infused with the power of cold and brutally effective.
  • Forge Weaver: And intricate device built by a genius spider elf tinker, the forge weaver looks like a cross between a huge loom and a twisted metal spider. Metal placed into it’s hopper is processed into thread like cable, which can be woven into material as strong as plate, but much more flexible and light. The forge can also be used to produce bowstrings and a few select weapons, but most weapons are beyond its abilities.
  • Golem Forge: A few golem forges exist. All of them resemble golems and eat raw ore, scrap and refined metals and refine them into weapons and armor internally. Some were made to mass produce a common quality armament to supply large forces, but the most impressive of them were constructed to take rare materials and components and produce a single powerful weapon or armor with more skill than its creator could produce.
  • Lightning forge: The lightning forge sits on a desolate hilltop, and operating it is the task of a lifetime. Material is held aloft on a pole and left there for lightning to strike. When it does, the smith must quickly lower it and work it as long as possible until it cools. This process, which may take dozens, if not hundreds of years results in arms that are blackened and electrically scarred, but which carry the fury of the sky. Of course, you may be able to speed the process with the help of a powerful caster.
  • Ocean Forge: In the crushing darkness of the ocean, over a volcanic vent sits the ocean forge. Just getting there is a major challenge. Forging weapons and armor in the pressure and heat with salt water contaminating materials and wicking away heat faster than air taxes the skills of even a master smith. The strangely patinaed arms created here are almost indestructible and highly resistant to the elements.