Happy GM’s Day!

Whether you’re running a badass session in your current campaign, taking a day off from GMing or didn’t realize that today was a holiday at all, I’d like to invite you to pause for a moment and celebrate GM’s Day with TT.

As we March Fo(u)rth for GM’s Day, TT has several GMing goodies for you: two free PDFs, papercraft FUDGE dice and a bit of history about GM’s Day.

Free PDFs

Back in February, I launched the Wiki-to-PDF Project (WTP for short), a collaborative writing effort aimed at producing free, professional-quality PDFs for the GMing community.

The WTP was open to anyone who wanted to contribute to the two topics at hand, which were finding players and problem players — two things every GM will have to deal with at some point. I was supposed to have them converted to PDF form by the end of February — my apologies for missing that deadline!

The extra bit of time, however, did let me release these two PDFs for GM’s Day, and here they are (both direct links to PDF files): Ten Ways to Find Players & What to Do Next and Problem Players: A Guide.

“Ten Ways to Find Players” was written by John Arcadian, Brian Carl, Scott Martin, Martin Ralya, Kurt “Telas” Schneider and Scott Turnbull, and “Problem Players” was written by Scott Martin, Martin Ralya, Kurt “Telas” Schneider and Scott Turnbull. My thanks to everyone who contributed — these came out great.

Papercraft Dice

TT member shawnhcorey whipped up some nifty papercraft dice for GM’s Day.

They come in PDF form — all you need to do is print them out, glue them together (very lightly) and roll away: a jumbo blank d6 and a FUDGE die with smiley and frowney faces. Thanks, shawnhcorey!

History of GM’s Day

GM’s Day was started by EN Worlder spunkrat and Mark Clover of Creative Mountain Games back in 2002. The original EN World thread was entitled March Fourth for GM’s Day!!, which quickly turned into the official GM’s Day slogan: “March Fo(u)rth for GM’s Day!”

spunkrat described GM’s Day like this:

GM’s day is the day the gaming community would celebrate all the hard work our GM’s do for us.

Banners were created for GM’s Day 2004, and hosted by The Other Game Company, and GM’s Day has been gaining traction ever since.

The banner at the top of this post was creating by TT member Avlor, who also created last year’s GM’s Day banner for TT. Thanks, Avlor!

GM’s Day Sales

EN World has become the de facto headquarters for GM’s Day sales, and they do a bang-up job of listing the many, many publisher sales that are going on this weekend. You can find the whole (huge!) list on their main news page.

What are you doing to celebrate GM’s Day?