Yep: One hundred posts old. My custom dice tray review was our 100th article since we went live on May 12th, 2008.
I expected us to have posted about half that many articles by now, so my first thank you goes to my fellow gnomes: John Arcadian, Patrick Benson, Walt Ciechanowski, DNAphil, Scott Martin, Adam Nave, Matthew J. Neagley, Kurt “Telas” Schneider and Troy E. Taylor (click on any author’s name to see their posts).
My second thank you is to our readers — you folks are awesome! I think I speak for all the gnomes when I say that if GMs weren’t reading our articles, we wouldn’t be here. You make this worthwhile.
Special thanks go to our commenters: To borrow something Shamus Young said, read the comments on a YouTube video sometime to see what Gnome Stew could look like, but doesn’t, thanks to you!
We’ve come quite a ways in under two months. Gnome Stew averages around 700 visitors a day, sometimes many more than that, and we’re thrilled to have 350 registered members and more than 550 RSS and email subscribers. It’s not all about numbers by any stretch, but it’s fun to see how much the site has grown. Want to help us grow? Register, subscribe, or both!
I won’t be marking every 100 posts (thank god, right?), but I thought the first hundred deserved some notice. What do you think of Gnome Stew so far? What might you like to see us do better or differently? The Suggestion Pot is always open and bubbling away, but we’d love to hear from you in the comments.
Well done guys! I look forward to reading the next 100 posts.
It might be interesting to see a few (more?) posts on the subject of terrain/scenery/prop creation. While I love my Dungeon Tiles, I’m too much of a former Warhammer guy to not get giddy at the sight of hand-crafted terrain.
Ben Overmyer – Polymancer magazine has a regular article called “The Cheap Minis Guy’s How To” that gives excellent advice on creating terrain and unique miniatures. Great stuff for when you have a limited budget for building terrain!
Keep up the great work, I always look forward to your emails/posts. I think you guys have a nice balance of articles. How about an article on running games for small groups? Systems that work nicely, ways to make other systems work etc.