Welcome to the Gnomecast, the Gnome Stew’s tabletop gaming advice podcast. Here we talk with the other gnomes about gaming things to avoid becoming part of the stew. So I guess we’d better be good. This episode we have Ang, John, and Avery talking about What Ifs.
– I once wrote a Call of Cthulhu 20s adventure set aboard the titanic where it was Dagon, not an iceberg that sank the ship. It didn’t go over all that well (I didn’t explain the concepts of role playing games for the n00bs, or the tropes of Call of Cthulhu for those who didn’t have experience with Lovecraft).
– I like to play a game called “What if: Zombies!” when dining out, running errands, etc… in which you analyse your current location for best defensive positions, available improvised weapons, and so on.
-Gate: there is SOME magical effect/spell that does what Ang is looking for (minimally it existed in the Birthright campaign setting), BUT even with gate, you just set up an additional “home base” on the ethereal and do a two-day hop.
-Polymorph: didn’t you stipulate once a day. Does that allow you a shift back?
-Polymorph reproduction: It takes a while for sex cells to generate (guys take ~ 3 days full cycle), so as long as you were polymorphed long enough it would absolutely work.
-Cell phones in DnD: I did write an entire article on this. You can do it with fairly low level magic items
-streaming dungeon runs: I feel like Tracy’s article on campaign frames is perfect for this
-Mr. Fusion: first, this already exists…kinda link below thought I don’t recommend you try it at home. 2nd, the thought of these things in a disaster area just makes me cringe. You know SOMEONE hasn’t been maintaining theirs properly, and the disaster is the final straw needed to crack it’s housing and irradiate a few dozen square miles.