Gnome RodeoWhile listening to Gencon Episode of The Misdirected Mark podcast last night with Christopher M. Sniezak and our own Phil Vecchione , Phil made mention of the You Pick It, We Review It posts that we’ve done from time to time here on the Stew.

This year, filled with a hundred other projects, moves, and other big life events amongst the gnomish crew, we almost missed doing it. We’ll be at Gencon and you can find us there (More info below), but we still look out for those who can’t make it to the convention. So, we’re throwing out another You Pick It, We Review It for 2015’s Gencon. With that being said, let’s get to it.

What Would You Like To See Reviewed

  • What are you looking forward to that is coming out at Gencon this year?
  • What would you like to see us pick up and review?
  • What events should the Gnomes who are attending Gencon go see?

Drop your suggestions for events and items to pick up for review in the comments, and we’ll see about attending or picking up some items for review.

Gnomes At Gencon

  • Angela Murray – Angela will be running Dr. Who for Cubicle 7 and can be found at the Ennies on Friday.
  • Troy Taylor – You can find Troy running games for Kobold Press and at a few scattered seminars.
  • Phil Vecchione – Traveling with his green shirts and the Encoded Designs Crew. Running a seminar on Saturday and at the IGDN GenCon Social on Wednesday night at Loughmiller’s pub.
  • John Arcadian – I can be found most mornings at the MCG booth and at the IGDN GenCon Social on Wednesday night at Loughmiller’s pub.
  • Walt Ciechanowski – Walt can be found at the Cubicle 7 booth and running games for C7.
  • Kurt Schneider – Gnome Emeritus Kurt will be at Gencon this year and will hopefully be joining us for the Ennies celebration on Friday night.

By and large the best place to find Gnomes at gencon is at the Ennies ceremony on Friday night, where we are up for the Best Blog Ennie again. Drop suggestions for reviews in the comments and we’ll look forward to checking them out and doing the reviews.