Reading a fascinating Guild Wars 2 design diary about character death penalties (via Penny Arcade) got me thinking about PC deaths in RPGs — and specifically, about why PCs should ever be killed at all.

For your consideration:

Dying? Yawn

In the vast majority of traditional-style campaigns, regardless of the game, PCs almost never die for good. D&D is the main example, and also the source of why this stereotype tends to be true: Most gamers have played D&D, and from that experience have taken away the concept of PC death being an inconvenience at best.

Fuck You, Players

Dying, even temporarily, generally means that the PC’s player is taken out of the action, so the penalty for PC death is applied to the player, and the penalty is not getting to have fun until their PC is brought back from the dead.

No Really, Fuck You, Players

When PC death is permanent, whether due to play style or your RPG/setting of choice, it can be a huge blow to the player who’s impacted. Why should this happen as a result of what’s supposed to be a leisure activity?

Delicious Fudge

Keeping PCs alive is the biggest reason most GMs fudge die rolls, and we all know where any discussion of fudging leads: MADNESS. This contentious issue can be sidestepped by removing the source of the problem, fudging to keep PCs alive.

We Do This Why, Again?

If PC death is a) infrequent, b) penalizes players, c) can emotionally impact players, d) often avoided by GMs, and e) generally just an inconvenience, why should it ever happen without the affected player’s consent?

Universal Doesn’t Meant Good

PC death is a near-universal consequence of bad luck and/or bad decision-making that’s included in the vast majority of RPGs whether it really needs to be there or not, much like PC stats/attributes. By way of comparison, it’s nearly universally excluded from the vast majority of movies, TV shows, book series, and narrative-driven entertainment in general.

You know Frodo will succeed in getting the One Ring to Mount Doom. You know Jack Bauer will save the day in the nick of time. You know Luke Skywalker will defeat Darth Vader. You watch and read their stories because they’re good stories, and because seeing how they pull things off is part of the fun — even though the conclusion is essentially foregone, and not really the heart of the matter.

So: PCs should never be killed. Problem(s) solved.

This is an extreme position, and it’s worth noting that it’s not my personal stand or take on the matter — but my interest in it, and in the issues underlying it, is genuine and goes back at least four years: …And Then James Bond Spends a Month in the Hospital.

I’ve wrestled with it myself, I’ve pondered it during and after games as both a GM and a player, and it still fascinates me. I’m not really sure whether it’s right, wrong, needs work, or what.

So here’s one end of the spectrum in black and white: Take PC death off the table, explicitly and permanently, and everyone will have more fun at the gaming table.

Let’s put the biggest argument against this concept right out front: Games without PC death are for…

Glad we cleared that up.

Is that wrong? Right? Crazysauce? Let’s talk.