R.D. “Túrin” Heesen interviewed me for the latest issue of the Campaign Builders’ Guild magazine, which you can download for free in PDF form: Campaign Builders’ Guide Volume Five. We talked about giant space hamsters, my favorite GMing session, a basic principle of homebrewing and more.
More importantly, if you’re into fantasy worldbuilding in general and d20 System games in particular, you’ll find a lot of nifty content in this issue. My two favorite sections were Border Patrol (the third in a series), which explores defending one’s borders in a fantasy world, and the first installment of the Campaign Builder’s Diary, which chronicles the creation of a setting from the ground up.
The Guide is well-written, hefty (24 pages), illustrated and nicely put together — it looks better than some “professional” PDF products I’ve seen, and it’s well worth a download.
Thanks for your kind words, and thanks for the opportunity you gave us to include you in the latest issue. Maybe we can see some TT contributions from you in the future? 😉
It was a fun interview to do, and I thoroughly enjoyed it — thank you.
As for TT contributions to future issues of the CBG, I’d be happy to hear what you’re interested in. Wolrdbuilding isn’t my forte, but if you think there’s an area I could cover well drop me a line and we’ll go from there.