Tag: Editorials

Videogame Art – Book Review

Videogame Art by Nic Kelman took me a bit by surprise. I had seen the cover, a lenticular image shifting between Abe from the Oddworld series, and a striking image of Konami superstar Solid Snake by Yoji Shinkawa.

2005: The Year in Review

GameCritics.com now takes a look back at the things we think best sum up 2005, and throw in a few predictions for 2006 and beyond. This list is by no means complete or comprehensive, but it does provide a good snapshot of what we were playing and talking about.

Critical Hit

I was perusing Tokyopia.com a while back and came across two interesting articles. For those of you that don't know what Tokyopia.com is, it is a web site that focuses on the Japanese side of the games industry. The two articles that caught my eye were "What's Wrong with the Japanese Games Industry: The Programmer's View" and "What's Wrong with the Japanese Games Industry: The Artist's View."

Critical Hit

Most gamers are familiar with the National Institute on Media and the Family. They're the folks who publish the annual report card on the videogame industry, evaluating how well it responds to issues of child welfare. The main criteria the organization looks at are how accurate the ESRB ratings are, how much the industry has done to educate consumers on the rating system, and whether these ratings are properly enforced at retail.

Are Videogames Art?

Log onto any well frequented videogame-related message board on the Internet, and start a thread with the subject "are videogames art?" Within a matter of minutes, I guarantee you will be deluged with all kind of responses that range from manifesto-like essays to name-calling flames.

Critical Hit

It has occurred to the staff at GameCritics.com that it is not enough to develop new ways for analyzing videogames within the context of a review. Rather, it is equally important to talk about farther-reaching issues concerning videogames in other forums, especially in a time when they are still largely perceived as children's toys and scapegoated for many of society's ills.

1000 Game Heroes – Book Review

We don't do a lot of book reviews here at GameCritics.com. It seems like including more literature would be a natural fit for the site, but one explanation for our lack of coverage is that there aren't many books written about videogames in the first place.

2002: The Year in Review

Welcome to GameCritics.Com's Year in Review. Instead of the usual top ten lists and buyer's guides, we decided to take a deeper, more personal look at the events of the past year. Four of our critics weigh in with their thoughts, opinions and impressions of the dynamic race between reigning champ Sony, returning favorite Nintendo and wild card Microsoft.

The Legend of Dragoon: A Game Critic’s Nightmare

The Legend of Dragoon Screenshot

At GameCritics, we love getting email in response to the reviews we write. It doesn't matter if we agree with it or not. As long as it's an attempt at intelligent discussion and is clearly written, we welcome everyone's opinions concerning the content we provide for our readers.