Sin And Punishment
HIGH Capirotes.
LOW Too much insta-death platforming.
WTF Literally any cutscene out of context.
HIGH Capirotes.
LOW Too much insta-death platforming.
WTF Literally any cutscene out of context.
HIGH Finally getting closure on all the plot threads from Season 1.
LOW Having to brute-force my way through a forest maze because I just couldn't figure out which rune went where.
WTF The thing in the cave. Seriously, WTF, developers?
HIGH Almost everything the crows do in the first chapter.
LOW Every moment spent with the wounded crow in my inventory making that awful noise.
WTF So this tiny sparkly thing is in some shallow water underneath a shower, but rather than grab it myself I have to flush it down a drain and catch it at the other end of the pipe with a half-rotted net?
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