Tag: Keiji Inafune

ReCore Review



HIGH Flinging Joule around with the spider bot.

LOW A marathon of poor design choices in the endgame.

WTF Joule’s rather uncanny resemblance to Rey from The Force Awakens.

Mighty No. 9 Review

A Failure of Epic Proportions


HIGH The hunt for Mighty No. 8.

LOW Falling onto spikes that were obscured by a text box.

WTF How did the idea of facechecking enemies to kill them even get off the drawing board?

Riptide, Soul Sacrifice and Mars War Logs

Dead Island: Riptide Screenshot

Readers will know that I am a huge fan of the first game, and even though it had some rough edges, it was a pretty brilliant experience. Unfortunately, Riptide isn't able to match up to that first title. The new character who uses hand-to-hand combat is lots of laughs, but the game itself feels like it was slapped together with very little care and isn't nearly as immersive or as atmospheric as the original.

Richard presents: Let’s play Mega Man X, Part 13–Sigma Stage 4

At long last, we've reached the end. The final boss is actually pretty tough, so I go ahead and use the Rolling Shield on him. After that we've got a very somber ending and then the credits, complete with me struggling in vain to fill several minutes worth of dead air.

I'll be back sometime in the near future with Mega Man X2 and so on, but I'll be taking a small Mega Man break first. Until then, enjoy this last video. It's been fun!

Richard presents: Let’s play Mega Man X, Part 12–Sigma Stage 3

The third Sigma Stage is essentially a big boss rush. I have to face the five remaining Mavericks plus the stage boss, D-Rex. While it isn't that bad if you use the Maverick weapons, this stage can be hell if you're doing a buster only run, especially since you have to deal with both Sting Chameleon and Armored Armadillo again.

The next video will be the final stage and ending. Enjoy!

Richard presents: Let’s play Mega Man X, Part 10–Sigma Stage 1

With all the Mavericks down, it's time to venture into the last trials of the game. The first Sigma stage is fairly tough, especially since you have to deal with Bospider at the end. We also witness the first gaming event that ever made me cry. Yes, Zero's death gets overused to the point where it never matters (and honestly the story in these games is nothing to brag about to begin with) but when I first played this game it had a definite impact. Enjoy!

Richard presents: Let’s play Mega Man X, Part 3

For the final three Mavericks, we come across two bosses that are not nearly as difficult as their reputation suggests, and my favorite song in the game. Don't fret though, you'll get to see all the Mavericks one more time in the Sigma stages. After that, no more Mavericks. At least until Mega Man X2.
