Tag: Everyone

Road Not Taken Review

There's some crazy things out in these woods.

Road Not Taken

HIGH Gorgeous artwork and humor.

LOW Stuck in a corner. Again.

WTF The random craziness from throwing things into spiritual wells.

Proteus Review

Take a Trip

Proteus Review Screenshot

HIGH The transcendental surprise of phasing to a completely new island.

LOW The lack of interaction with the world.

WTF The trippy sound effects, pixelated graphics, and environmental transitions makes this feel like an 'I'm high' simulator.

Mario Kart 8 Review

One over the eight

Mario Kart 8

HIGH Rainbow Road, which is so beautiful and awe -inspiring that epic songs should be penned about it right now and passed down from generation to generation.

LOW The AI has undoubtedly improved, but it's still immensely irritating at times.

WTF It's a toss up between Luigi's death stare and the blue shell still being a thing. Gyah!

Metrico Review

An infographic built on the wrong information

Metrico Review Screenshot

HIGH A hyper art-house vibe and existential tone.

LOW World six killed every bit of good feeling I had for this game.

WTF Was it a requirement to use every possible input on the Vita?

Shovel Knight Review

The best of the past, without the worst

Shovel Knight Review Screenshot

HIGH Clearing that part of Propeller Knight's stage.

LOW Accidentally pogo jumping and destroying the floor underneath me.

WTF The AI companion's behavior during the final boss is hilariously videogamey.

Sixty Second Shooter Prime Review

The Continuing Adventures Of The Triangle From Asteroids

Sixty Second Shooter Prime Review Screenshot

HIGH It features The Last Starfighter's famous Death Blossom!

LOW Dropping from one level to the next, and landing on a game-ending foe.

WTF Is there seriously no way I can turn off those annoying backgrounds?