Author: Kyle Bender

Anthem Review

An Anthem? Or A Swan Song?

HIGH The world design is excessively
vertical and clearly built for flying.

LOW Literally every second spent not

WTF Are empty, buggy releases like this really the norm now?

Genesis Alpha One Review

Deep Space Clonialism

HIGH The minimal HUD and use of terminals instead of menus.

LOW Explorable planets feel unbelievably empty.

WTF Everyone and everything is a literal clone, including the player.

Soulcalibur VI Review

Rock, Paper, Scissors, Stab

HIGH New systems make the combat easy to pick up.

LOW Spammers online exploiting said new systems.

WTF Why the hell are custom characters allowed in ranked competition?

Forza Horizon 4 (PC) Review

The Best It’s Ever Been

HIGH Drag racing in a snowstorm on the freeway in the dead of night.

LOW Matchmaking for less-populated events

WTF I swear, if I get another hat instead of a car as a reward, I’m going to lose it.

The Gardens Between Review

Memento More, Please

HIGH Consistent, new uses for time manipulation.

LOW Wishing there were just two or three more puzzle sets.

WTF Being somehow nostalgic for things I didn’t experience.

Deep Sky Derelicts Review

Dungeon Crawling… Innnnnn spaaaaaace

HIGH Easy-to-pick-up deck building mechanics.

LOW The awkward user interface.

WTF Accidentally selecting the wrong enemy if they sway a single pixel into my cursor.

The King’s Bird Review


HIGH Wide-open levels offering lots of room to play with momentum.

LOW The most absurd difficulty spike I’ve seen in ages.

WTF Inexplicably dashing straight down into hazards.