Tag: Metal Gear

UnMetal Review

A Joke 34 Years In The Telling

HIGH The compass gag is an all-time great joke.

LOW A key item disappeared from my inventory and I had to restart the level.

WTF Need Choloroform? Just mix a bottle of Chloro and a bottle of Form!

GameCritics.com Podcast Episode 44: Amnesia, MGS Peace Walker, Alan Wake Redux, Halo: Reach

This week, it's some good old fashioned game talk. Amnesia The Dark Descent! Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker! Alan Wake! Plus: Games are too buggy, Richard sings (twice), and stay tuned after the credits for some impromptu Halo: Reach chat. Featuring Chi Kong Lui, Brad Gallaway, Mike Bracken, Richard Naik, and Tim "Let's Grow a Beard Together" Spaeth.

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Games discussed:

Please send feedback and mailbag questions to podcast (at) gamecritics (dot) com.

GameCritics.com Podcast Episode 36: E3 2010 Wrap-Up, Kinect, Move and 3DS

An E3 wrap-up so enormous, so all-encompassing, we drafted a fifth chair from across the pond to share the load. Sinan Kubba of the Big Red Potion podcast joins us as we tear Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft to shreds. The hate flows freely this week folks; if it gets too depressing jump to the 92-minute mark as we reveal our most anticipated games of the show. It's our longest, most vulgarity-packed podcast ever! Rejoice! Featuring Chi Kong Lui, Brad Gallaway, Mike Bracken, the aforementioned Sinan Kubba, and Tim "Billy Big Bang Blitz" Spaeth.

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Topics discussed:

  • Microsoft Kinect
  • Sony Move
  • Nintendo 3DS
  • Epic Mickey
  • Project Dust
  • Lost in Shadows
  • Vanquish
  • Kid Icarus
  • The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
  • Portal 2
  • Littlebigplanet 2
  • Final Fantasy XIV
  • Metal Gear Solid Rising

Please send feedback and mailbag questions to podcast (at) gamecritics (dot) com.