And old school four-man affair as we punish ourselves in Bloodborne: The Old Hunters. After that the unspeakable terror continues with Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate, followed by a sweet reprieve with Felipe’s Mailbag. Featuring Tim Spaeth, Chi Kong Lui, Brad Gallaway, and Richard Naik.

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Tim Spaeth
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8 years ago

Hey Tim, I was wondering if you could elaborate on your MGS thoughts from the podcast a little more? I think I kinda know where you’re coming from, but you said the ‘twist’ itself wasn’t the bad part for you, but rather the ‘mission’. I’m not sure if I’m thinking of the same mission as you (I thought it was the ‘[Truth]’ mission, but am not 100%). In any case, I’ve put 190 hours into MGS and feel that, unfortunately, the story is a huge letdown, even by Kojima’s standards. I have other ethical issues with the game too, that… Read more »

8 years ago

helldivers? sounds pretty run-of-the-mill, top down twin stick shooter? yawn…and then you play it! oh my god is the game amazing, it channels everythig that a good nerd should love, in a game that you and your 3 buddies can play on the same sofa!

if you guys all played it together can you cover it in a future podcast? id love to hear your thoughts on the theme and setting (plus tales of smearing each other across the surface of a planet with a badly timed airstrike!)

8 years ago

Thanks for the quick turnaround between the latest podcasts guys. Not sure if I’m into the dating advice mailbag, but it’s easy enough to skip for myself. if the crew or listeners are into it then so be it. Is this what it comes to you when you get to 40 ? And my comments thumbs up goes to Mike Suskie for pointing out in his review for Rise of the Tomb Raider ( I just finished it ) for how broken the Stealth is in the early part of that game. And the stealth is still shitty although slightly… Read more »