Come You, Masters Of WarÂ
HIGH Portal seems like a game-changer in user-generated content.
LOW I kind of want to play something else now.
WTF This will probably be my favorite game of mid-2022.
HIGH Portal seems like a game-changer in user-generated content.
LOW I kind of want to play something else now.
WTF This will probably be my favorite game of mid-2022.
HIGH Fast, smooth shooting that feels timeless.
LOW Burying the Nine Inch Nails soundtrack in the mix.
WTF Being unaware of motion controls and thinking my controller needed replacing.
HIGH Satisfying, fast-paced combat.
LOW There isn’t a lot of unique content.
WTF What happened to my hands before I got here?
HIGH The Popemobile.
LOW A 500-square-kilometer level with no map.
WTF Flaming Rocket Powered Chainsaw Launcher.
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