HIGH You can basically turn off combat.
LOW Trying to figure out exactly when events will trigger.
WTF Was not expecting the ‘keep honey away from bears’ minigame!
HIGH You can basically turn off combat.
LOW Trying to figure out exactly when events will trigger.
WTF Was not expecting the ‘keep honey away from bears’ minigame!
HIGH Spending time with Original Platcha!
LOW When characters started talking about how the game was almost over.
WTF “I just happen to have brought along swimsuits for everyone!”
LOW The base inventory limit is shockingly small.
WTF Would two years of farmwork really render alchemy skills that rusty?
HIGH I have a pet Puni!
LOW The confusing harvesting system made me miss important items.
WTF That is certainly one adventurous goat!
HIGH “Why are you even here?”
LOW Muddling through unclear clues.
WTF Are you sure this basket came out of a pot? Because it’s obviously woven.
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