Tag: Sting

Gungnir Review

Your Myths! I Must Have Them All! No Symbolism There.

Gungnir Screenshot

HIGH Landing that perfect AoE spell attack!

LOW I have to break open chests over multiple actions? With a rogue in the party?

WTF That's what you call a tutorial?

Hexyz Force Review

More Fun to Say than to Play

Hexyz Force Screenshot

HIGH Finally getting a fourth party member…

LOW After 13 hours.

WTF Even with the game explicitly telling me that I could upgrade Ragnafacts, it took me two whole chapters to remember to do it.

Knights in the Nightmare Review

A nightmare worth experiencing

Knights in the Nightmare Screenshot Knights in the Nightmare Screenshot
Knights in the Nightmare Screenshot Knights in the Nightmare Screenshot

HIGH The moment where you finally "get" the game is pretty magical. There's a lot of depth here, but only patient gamers will stick around long enough to find it.

LOW The game's tutorial isn't as helpful as it should be. Knights in the Nightmare is difficult mostly because it does such a terrible job of explaining how it was meant to be played.

WTF The entire game is one giant WTF moment for the first few hours.

Dokapon Journey Review

Cute, but deadly

Dokapon Journey Screenshot Dokapon Journey Screenshot

HIGH "All of Tera's towns are so impressed they're giving money!"

LOW Being one space away from a doorway and spinning a two. Then a four. Then a six.

WTF The walking undead should not make me go "Awww!" and want to pinch their cheeks.

Dokapon Journey Preview

Dokapon Journey Preview Dokapon Journey Preview

Developed by Sting Entertainment, Dokapon Journey is a "friendship-destroying RPG" (slash board game) where up to four players can compete to save towns from monsters and to make themselves rich. It can also be played single-player with CPU-controlled opponents, but where's the fun in that?

Yggdra Union – Review

Read review of Yggdra Union
Yggdra Union
from superb developer Sting could be described as the lovechild of the Saturn's seminal and the super-popular series, but to leave it at that would be doing both game and developers a disservice. Not only has Sting captured the essence of what makes those two games great, they've added their own unique spin to create something freshly original while being familiar enough for fans of the genre to jump right in.