Comments on: Podcast Episode 151: Sequels and a New Beginning Games. Culture. Criticism. Sat, 18 Jun 2016 05:53:41 +0000 hourly 1 By: tom Sat, 18 Jun 2016 05:53:41 +0000 A few games that might get less attention:

Nier 2 looks pretty good, they’ve shown mostly only combat, but does that does look pretty good, as well as the character design.

Attack on Titan looks a little bit insane, with giant naked people – as the enemies – running around cities.

Gears of war 4 looks to have nearly the exact same weapons and enemies , which in my opinion is a big mistake.

Hoping that We Happy Few can sustain that strong beginning, even if the whole game only lasts a couple of hours.

I hope Forza horizon 3 goes back to what I did good in 1, and abolishes everything it did in Horizon 2, and being an aussie and set in Australia has a little bit more of my interest.

Re-core looks a bit different and people keep mentioning strong mega man aspects to it, I wouldn’t know myself.

Gravity rush 2 looks more impressive than the first. they seem to taking advantage on the PS4 by making a bigger world and a deeper game.

I want to like For Honour but it looks too boring. To much of the mindless easily kill-able enemies parts looks really dull.

Absolver looks really good visually, but seems a bit combat monotone.

Let it Die from Suda looks like it will be banned here in Australia due to the Bloodfest.

The Surge – devs of lords of the fallen – looks to have pretty good combat using an exo suit fighting other robots and exo suit wearers, similar to Souls style, with its own take on targeting body parts and special finishing moves needed for upgrading the character quicker.
I won’t mention the setting.

By: Pedro Fri, 17 Jun 2016 23:50:36 +0000 In reply to frogofdeath.

No David Cage hate segment please! Feel free to direct your hostility towards Nintendo 😉

Also interested in why I need a new console already, as frogofdeath mentions above.

By: frogofdeath Thu, 16 Jun 2016 22:38:34 +0000 In reply to Tim Spaeth.

I’d like to hear thoughts on the new Zelda. Haven’t played a new entry in the series since Wind Waker, but this one has piqued my interest. From what I’ve read and the videos I’ve seen, Breath of the Wild seems so different from past Zelda games, but just enough familiarity.

Would be interested in thoughts on the “new” consoles. Are they needed? Why so soon? Good or bad for the home console market?

By: Tim Spaeth Wed, 15 Jun 2016 15:49:19 +0000 Hey, beautiful people! We are recording our annual E3 wrap-up show this weekend. As you know, this is an important service because very few Internet outlets discuss E3. If you have any topics or specific games you’d like us to comment on, please post them here!

By: FidgetyAcolyte Wed, 15 Jun 2016 03:12:37 +0000 I second the people here mentioning Borderlands, but one of the best improvements in a series of sequels was seen in the Timesplitters series. The first one was pure mechanics. The second one added a bit of story and improved graphics with improved gameplay, and the third one tied it all together into a tight, fun, time-travel story with the tight, pre-Halo FPS gameplay expected of Free Radical at the time.

By: Winnie Sun, 12 Jun 2016 07:26:36 +0000 Loved hearing you guys talk about MGS2 (Including richards talk) the first two mgs games are extremely self aware of its content and context and thats why i love it to bits. The analysis of mgs2 has been done to death (the superbunnyhop video does it really well). The plant chapter seems to rely on short lived gimmicks to connect main plot points together (freezing bomb disposal, dir microphone, scenarios from mgs1) and makes repeat playthroughs a chore until the next plot point. And then once an ally twist occurs the game goes on a rollercoaster ride of pretentious but intriguing concepts. Its sad to ser each game after 2 become less self aware and more story driven. Mgs3 is clearly a great stand alone game and was definitely grounded. mgs5 gameplay was amazing if not the wet dream of gamers playing modern shooters/open world games with the charm and insanity of kojima and co, too bad the self awareness had all but worn off and had resorted to kojimas favourite movie tropes which isnt self aware enough for me. With that being said, good job on the site. Keep up the good work.

By: Li-Ion Sat, 11 Jun 2016 16:45:27 +0000 Lost Planet 3 arrived in the post today. That better be good 😉

By: Mike Bracken Fri, 10 Jun 2016 14:00:06 +0000 In reply to frogofdeath.

I can see how playing the newer game first might cause that issue — it’s hard to go backwards in gaming.

By: frogofdeath Thu, 09 Jun 2016 17:59:08 +0000 In reply to Mike Bracken.

Bioshock 2 is on my “to play” list, just need to find a relatively cheap copy. Within the series I also think Infinite is a better game than the first entry. While I enjoyed both games, I had more fun playing Infinite than Bioshock. It may have something to do with the fact that I played Infinite first.

By: frogofdeath Thu, 09 Jun 2016 17:52:34 +0000 Mention of Saints Row IV made me begin the game last night. Only a couple events into the game so far, but it is quite enjoyable. Beyond the “super powers” it seems very similar to the third game, but I spent way too much time with Saints Row III, so no complaints from me.

While I’ve never been a huge fan of the Street Fighter series, or fighting games in general, I fully agree with Street Fighter II. The comment about making you forget about the original entry is spot on. Street Fighter definitely begins with the second entry. I know of the original Street Fighter, but doubt I’ve ever played it. Even with my lack of interest (and skill!) in fighting games, I’ve sunk numerous hours into various versions of Street Fighter II.

Keeping to fighting games, I would add WWF No Mercy (N64) to the list of superior sequels. It improved on everything the previous games in the series had implemented. The cherry on top is the create-a-wrestler which is still hard to top to this day. Of course, maybe it doesn’t count because it is more like a yearly update to a sports title, but I think there is enough changes for the better to make it a superior sequel.

Lastly, it was already mentioned by Mike below in the comments, but I too would add Super Mario World to the list. I would say this is the best side-scrolling Mario of all time. The only thing from SMB3 that is better would be the power-ups, but that’s it.
