Tag: Role-Playing

GameCritics.com Podcast Episode 142: Fallout 4 and Transformers Devastation

Fallout 4! It’s……there, I guess. Plus Chi gets to talk about his favorite subject, Transformers, for six hours. Featuring Richard Naik, Chi Kong Lui, Brad Gallaway, Michael “Mac” Cunningham, and Mike Suskie.

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Undertale Review

With Determination

Undertale Review Screenshot

HIGH The cooking lesson. Oh God, the cooking lesson.

LOW Some random encounters become a bit too repetitive.

WTF So, that's the cultural milestone of humankind as far as monsters are concerned?

GameCritics.com Podcast Episode 141: Beginner’s Guide, SOMA, Steam Box, and Suskie’s Top 10

Brad loves PC gaming now! (Sort of) Beginner’s Guide is amazing! (Not really) Mike Suskie’s top 10 list exhibits very fine taste! (Mostly) Tim Spaeth is here! (That one’s 100% true) Featuring Richard Naik, Brad Gallaway, Tim Spaeth, Mike Suskie, and Corey Motley.

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Fallout 4 Second Opinion

Fallout. Fallout never changes.

Fallout 4 Review Screenshot

HIGH Detective Valentine is charming and entertaining

LOW Shooting mechanics too weak to be a proper shooter, RPG mechanics too shallow to be a proper RPG

WTF Oh, it's the same "tracing through disconnected memories" scene that we've played in Dishonored, Assassin's Creed, Life Is Strange

Fallout 4 Review

An A-Bomb for Effort

Fallout 4 Review Screenshot

HIGH Primary colors.

LOW The eleventh-hour plot twist that's supposed to tie all the threads together.

WTF An NPC calling my character "Mike" with full voice acting.

Wasteland 2: Director’s Cut Review

The post-apocalypse is a cruel mistress

Wasteland 2: Director's Cut Review Screenshot

HIGH The satisfaction of wiping out a whole pack of raiders via tactical genius.

LOW Scroll, scroll and scroll again through disconnected menus.

WTF Continuously shooting wide of enemies, even at close range.

GameCritics.com Podcast Episode 140: Destiny The Taken King, Blood Bowl 2, and remembering Dylan Collins

We share our memories about Dylan Collins and all the good things he did for us, plus Destiny has finally won Tim over and Brad now loves football. We also answer a couple of the thousands of dating and relationship questions we’ve received over the years. Featuring Chi Kong Lui, Brad Gallaway, Tim Spaeth, and Richard Naik.

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