Tag: Online Multiplayer

Apex Legends Season 9: Legacy Hands-On Preview

It’s fair to say that Apex Legends has done okay for itself. Recently surpassing one hundred million unique players around the same time as it was celebrating its second anniversary, things are looking bright for the future of what I easily consider the best Battle Royale on the market right now.

Anthem Preview

The Heart of Rage. Embers. Scars. The Monitor. Javelins. Anthem is the new online third-person shooter-slash-Iron Man simulator from Bioware due out next month, and the opening hours are a deluge of proper nouns. It sometimes feels like these early scenes were written by a sentient word processor with unlimited […]

Soulcalibur VI Review

Rock, Paper, Scissors, Stab

HIGH New systems make the combat easy to pick up.

LOW Spammers online exploiting said new systems.

WTF Why the hell are custom characters allowed in ranked competition?

Switch Owners: Warframe 101

Hearing lots of buzz about Warframe but you don’t know much about it? No worries! This basic primer has all the info you need to hit the ground running and become a badass space ninja in no time!

Monster Hunter World (PC) Review

Apex Predator

HIGH The first time a monster picks another one up and drops it from midair.

LOW Server connectivity was not great in the early days of release.

WTF A lot of buildup to a pretty poor “final” boss battle

H1Z1: Battle Royale Review

Better Than Radical Heights, I Guess

HIGH The usual thrill of placing high among such a large group of players.

LOW The game is ugly to the point of being difficult to read.

WTF Incentivizing cosmetic rewards in a game with zero visual panache.