Author: Corey Motley

Narcosis Review

Ghosts In The Shellfish

HIGH Top-notch tension in its opening hour.

LOW Dying ten times while trying to navigate one section.

WTF Should it really take this many stabs to kill a squid!?

Prey Review

When Coffee Mugs Attack

HIGH Thoroughly exploring Talos I for hours at a time.

LOW Regular minute-long loading screens.

WTF Harder than it should be, even on Easy Mode.

Divide Review


HIGH Sophisticated, moody sci-fi music.

LOW Enemies shooting me from offscreen.

WTF A bad map, no waypoints and no objective markers?

Hitman How-To: Corey’s Primer


Although Hitman was released episodically in 2016, the collected disc version of Hitman launches January 31st, 2017. If you’re someone who’s been drooling for the past year while impatiently waiting to play all of it at once (or if this is your first time playing a Hitman) I’ve got some tips to ease you in.

You wouldn’t want to jump into your first assassination job half-cocked, would you?