The home version of House Of The Dead 2 is a pixel-perfect console port of Sega's popular arcade gore-fest franchise and as far as light-gun shooters go today, it's as straight forward as it gets. You won't find heated 2-player competition like in Point Blank, no ducking feature like in Time Crisis, or any attribute build-ups like in Elemental Gearbots.
Tag: Shooting
House of the Dead 2 – Consumer Guide
According to ESRB, this game contains: Animated Blood & Gore, Animated Violence
House of the Dead 2 – Second Opinion
I'll say one thing for House Of The Dead 2, it's easy to get into. Who needs a training mode in a game where you just point and shoot? I will argue for the addictiveness of the game because I think it is more so than Chi did.
WinBack: Covert Operations – Review
Winback may lack the team strategy elements of Rainbow Six, but what it does have is an innovative control scheme that maximizes the Nintendo 64 controller capabilities and allows for what I consider, for the first-time, the ability to manipulate a videogame character with real-world stealth techniques that are practically accurate.
WinBack: Covert Operations – Consumer Guide
According to ESRB, this game contains: Animated Violence, Mild Language
WinBack: Covert Operations – Second Opinion
All in all, Winback surprised me, it's faults like the graphics and music (Chi and I agree here) and AI (I think it needs some work) take it down a bit but they certainly don't ruin it. Often, I was able to do things, like a duck and roll for a sweet shot of an unsuspecting guard that looked real and certainly felt rewarding once I did it.
Jet Force Gemini – Review
Almost from the beginning, people who saw the character designs were scratching their heads. Jet Force Gemini was supposed to be a juxtaposition of cute mascot-like characters and violent, gory action, but it never worked out. Even after they were redone to be more mainstream, they still looked unnatural and downright creepy. I was grateful that I spent most of the game looking at their backs but when it came to Vela (in her too-short skirt), I couldn't shake this uneasy feeling I had while playing as her.
Jet Force Gemini – Consumer Guide
According to ESRB, this game contains: Animated Violence
Jet Force Gemini – Second Opinion
Yet the thing that singly bugged me the most was the graphics or, rather, the overall art direction that Rare took. Yes, like Dale mentioned, the graphics are technically amazing and push the N64 to likes of which the system has never seen. But stylistically, the game is a mess.
Duke Nukem: Zero Hour – Consumer Guide
According to ESRB, this game contains: Animated Blood & Gore, Animated Violence
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