Comments on: Podcast Episode 149: The Division and Batman v Superman Games. Culture. Criticism. Mon, 25 Apr 2016 05:50:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mike Bracken Mon, 25 Apr 2016 05:50:56 +0000 #comment-11197 Don’t lose hope yet. Life has been crazy busy but there may be a return sooner than you think…

By: Jay Fri, 22 Apr 2016 16:12:45 +0000 #comment-11195 What is worse? Playing an Assasins Creed game or listening to your guys discussion about “you know” Batman vs Superman…. I love your guys’ show, but this wasn’t one of the best I must say. Next time, please talk about things a bit more game- or personal related, and something a bit more actual/up to date. Talking bout a movie is fine, but 45 minutes? Nooooooooooo! At least this is my idea and wish. Thanx anyway, keep it up(per)…

By: tom Thu, 21 Apr 2016 19:05:00 +0000 #comment-11162 Personally I’d rather talk about other things then the pointless BvS. YUK.
If crapping all over BvS by Bracken won’t get him back on the next podcast, then nothing will. I’ve lost all hope.

Now onto “other things”:

I think the high level of bias that “ everything is better with friends” shouldn’t obscure the “truer” or more accurate nature of a games content or it’s experience.
If games like Destiny and the Division which are frequently repetitious, dull and grind ridden affairs that generally don’t satisfy in the gameplay department( from my play and what I’ve heard) in single player or multi/co-op with strangers, then why is the MOST biased “better with friends” experiences – with nearly the exact same content – are too often treated as the most representative aspect of such games like we keep seeing in conversations and review/scores.
Why would a game that relies so heavy on friendship bias get so much points for and credit for our friendships ? We built up our friends relationships over many years, and not the latest game that came along. Yes games can and do build relationships, and bring people together, I just would like a more objective look than the throwaway line of “ everything is better with friends”

Some notable games in my multi experience:

I have played more then 2000 hours ( actually I’ve lost count ) of Mario Kart 64 with friends on the couch. I gave it a 6.5 out of 10.

I have played countless hours of Halo 2 online – 7/10.

I have played Wii Sports with friends and family for a lot of fun and laughs in the short term. 5.5/10.
I reflect the game itself, as well as the examined multi experience.

I don’t play much multi anymore, not only because most of my friends quit games due to having families, but because too many multi-players games don’t satisfy with gameplay anymore.

Generally I know that the more cynical of Publishers and developers are really relying on exploiting that friendship bias when gaming ( Not necessarily the friendship itself, but often the bias that comes with it when playing games ). Hell, I’d even say that Destiny and the Division rely on it, And this gen has SUFFERED more with that aspect then any in the past.
Comparing Destiny combat encounters to Bungies Halo’s games is impossible. It’s pure insanity to try to argue that Destiny has better. But you never hear about that do you ? The great AI from Bungie Halo’s Elite enemies from over 10 years ago are now ignored for poorer gameplay and AI in the crappy Destiny because why…?” it’s funner with friends!!!!!! “. “You get better loot”… And publishers know this.
It’s a trend that really worries me.

I know that often the funniest way to play a game is with friends, and many games are intended as multiplayer, and that should NOT be ignored, is valid, and should be included in the conversation. What I’m saying is that even thought it is mentioned that ‘x game is better with friends’, I think that the nature of the game itself is much more deserving of criticism then were getting.
Being positive about a games aspect, shouldn’t override the negative parts.

By: Crofto Thu, 21 Apr 2016 17:09:51 +0000 #comment-11161 Guys, dunno if it is just me but the ‘right to save as’ link is for an older Podcast (about Firewatch). Just letting you know.

By: Chi Kong Lui Mon, 18 Apr 2016 16:37:00 +0000 #comment-11150 Listening back to the BvS discussion, I find it interesting that Dan reduces every situation/complaint about BvS into a binary one like for example, everyone is either supposed to blame Superman or love him. Saying everyone should unanimously love Superman is like saying everyone in America should love Mexicans because how much they contribute to the economy, but not everyone sees it that way. The whole point of Synder’s DC Cinematic Universe is that is very morally messy, complicated and gray and that’s one of the things I find most appealing about it.
