Comments on: Podcast Episode 146: Tales from the Borderlands and other Strange Tales Games. Culture. Criticism. Fri, 12 Feb 2016 07:09:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jay Fri, 12 Feb 2016 07:09:10 +0000 #comment-11258 Another great show guys! You might as well skip the gaming past haha!!! Again, I love you guys when you talk about non-gaming topics…

Then, my comments on you discussing kids: when I was living with the mrs. for a while, being around 35 years old, after some time I thought to myself:”okay, I traveled the world, finnished my education, I’m done with the bigger projects in life, now what?” It seemed all great, and we could just go on for years like this, going out for dinner, see a movie, and so on, but I felt that after while, life seemed to become a little shallow like that. Just living it for myself, only fulfillling my own needs. Not that I had nothing to do, I have tons of hobbies and stuff that I love to do, but the emotional connection with kids, and through them with life itself, is just something great. To see them grow up, learning new things, the bond you have with them, nothing really compares. Sure, sleepless nights suck, crying and diapers are also not my favourite, but it’s all just really cosy and warm. I think when you get older, like mid to end thirties, kids are just he logical next step in one’s life. Also, I don’t like other people’s kids that super much, but my own kids are just awesome!!! And being a father, is also just fun! My kids love me. It’s great to be loved. And I love them. It’s great to give love. You guys will come around. It’s just very nice to have a family of your own… One last thing: today I picked up my 3 year old from kindergarten. As we were walking home, he saw a little flower in the grass. He said:”Hey, a flower! I’ll pick it it and give it to mom” So sweet. It’s those simple little things that I love about having a kid. I would say, if you’re absolutely certain you don’t want to have kids, then don’t. But if you have the slightest doubt, then by all means: do! You’ll grow into it and you’ll love it…

Then, Corey! Nice to have you on the show. I just wanted to say that I totally understand your frustration with these webforms. But what I do think is that there are just too few fun jobs, and therefore these hiring companies just have (too much) power. I don’t want to become a 2nd Bernie Sanders here, but I guess we can’t all have that special fun job. 70% of us just have to, sooner or later, accept that we are not that lucky. My girlfriend also has a great career by the way, so far, so I thankgod also don’t have to work. I am a full-time house-man. Cleaning the house, and taking care of the kids. That’s my job.

And then I also had to smile about something else you said! Because you started talking about you’re Honda Fit. Now, In Europe, we have a different name for that great big little car: “Honda Jazz”. Surely enough, I owned one. A couple of months ago I traded it in and know I drive a 2009 Toyota Prius, but man! I loved that Jazz!!! It was so small, yes so practical, economic to drive and the 360 vision on that thing was superb! And it drove super tight and I just loved that car!!! If I were you, I would just cherish it, more that you seem to do know! And finally, I heard some comments about big trucks cruising comfortably through the snow, well, I would assume that has nothing to do with the make of the car. More so with snow tires. So buy some, and you’ll be the Master of Snow, IN you’re Honda Fit. Keep it up!!!
