Fallout 4! It’s……there, I guess. Plus Chi gets to talk about his favorite subject, Transformers, for six hours. Featuring Richard Naik, Chi Kong Lui, Brad Gallaway, Michael “Mac” Cunningham, and Mike Suskie.

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Mike B.
Mike B.
8 years ago

The Bracken has heard your calls. Unfortunately I can’t log into my account from my phone for some reason but I assure you this is me (because really, who the fuck else would pretend to be me?)

My return is imminent. I will be bringing the pain with me.

8 years ago

If Crofto seems to be stalking Suskie then I’m starting starting a congo-line of stalkers by stalking Crofto. My first open world game was Oblivion on 360 and I put 160 hours into it. At the time I simply mentally pushed aside or mitigated its awful gameplay and other issues. It’s something I soon after realised and never let pass again. If a majority an open world RPGs is long periods of traversal, bad combat, endless collecting of stuff, a dull story, repetition, fetch quests etc, then I’ll quit it fast. And if those elements are the majority of the… Read more »

8 years ago

Oh also: I agree with Suskie on Spectre too. The film is absolute garbage. I haven’t particularly cared for Bond films since I was a kid, but was roped into seeing Spectre recently. I fell asleep watching it as it dragged for so long, and the ‘twist’ is indeed painfully awful too.

8 years ago

Thanks Crofto. Your articulate summary was better than I could write. And please ignore GC the guys on transformers devastation 😉 It has a combat system that has a good feel to striking enemies ( It is Plainum after all ), but severely repetitive. Transforming from bot to car form, and back again, does feel good too. And that transformation implementation trasition when in combat also has a smooth transition and good effect to it. But, It’s a series of repetitive combat arenas that involve taking out easy enemies to Then reaching an unsatisfying boss. Many boss battles require repeating… Read more »

8 years ago

Great show chaps! I don’t want to sound like I’m stalking Suskie or something, and that I am secretly his biggest ever fan, but he massively hit the nail on the head about Fallout 4: simply being an open-world RPG with a s**tload of quests just isn’t enough in and of itself any more. Morrowind was an awful videogame, design-wise, technically, and in gameplay… but it was one of the first of its kind. The ambition, the scope, the lore, the depth, the exploration and the world all helped paper over the gaping cracks of crappy combat and such. But… Read more »

8 years ago

I think Tom raises some interesting points there. Ultimately I do think the trend is now leaning towards bombarding the player with relentless MMORPG quests (i.e. go here; kill this; collect that; come back) and collectible treasure hunts but without any substance at all. This is why I fail to see the point in making the Arkham games open-world. A linear setting with – as Tom argues – structure, a coherent narrative, well-designed gameplay and level design is not a bad thing, yet developers are clearly abandoning that template since they assume that boring open-world design is the way to… Read more »