Brad loves PC gaming now! (Sort of) Beginner’s Guide is amazing! (Not really) Mike Suskie’s top 10 list exhibits very fine taste! (Mostly) Tim Spaeth is here! (That one’s 100% true) Featuring Richard Naik, Brad Gallaway, Tim Spaeth, Mike Suskie, and Corey Motley.

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8 years ago

Welcome to Corey onto the podcast. I think he did a really good job. Sorry to Ann, but Corey seems far more in-tune with game releases and much more so than Ann, since she is more into Anime. Corey seems a better fit for the podcast. —– I recommend – and only if your interested in the Beginners Guide – to watch it on youtube. Playing the game doesn’t seem to be much of a loss compared to youtube-ing it. I watched about 40 minutes and couldn’t take it no more. I felt angry like Brad did, and only my… Read more »