The latest Metal Gear is out and it’s so great it apparently got Hideo Kojima fired. The crew talks about it plus Mad Max and Grow Home. Featuring Richard Naik, Chi Kong Lui, Brad Gallaway, Anne Lee, and Mike Suskie.

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tom vuckovic
tom vuckovic
8 years ago

Man..I am shocked about Dylans passing. And he was only 35 years old ! What a terrible loss. What I remember is his unique personality and positive attitude. That personality came out in his game tastes, which were ‘unique’ as well. And all those jingles he presented on the show were funny. I’ve ever only heard his voice, and I’ve no idea what he looks like in the slightest, even still, he left and indelible impression on me. GC podcasts is one of the few podcast that I replay my old favourite episodes, so I’ll always hear his voice again… Read more »

8 years ago

So sad to hear about Dylan Collins, my thoughts go to his family. RIP Dylan 🙁

8 years ago

I’m shocked and sad to hear about Dylan’s passing. Although he was only host for a few months and had the unenviable task of replacing Tim, he really impressed me with his energy and enthusiasm, and I was very sorry when he had to leave. RIP, Dylan.