Over the years we at GameCritics have gotten more questions than we can possibly answer. Tonight we try to do a few of them, with predictably hilarious results. Plus the Top 10 train finally arrives at the absurdly detailed Mac station. Featuring Tim Spaeth, Chi Kong Lui, Brad Gallaway, Anne Lee, and Michael “Mac” Cunningham.

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Tim Spaeth
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8 years ago

Thanks for another great show Tim.

Great list Mac. Makes me want to get FF4 on the Vita but all Vita games are so expensives…incl. Danganronpa and all FF games. Kind of a shock coming from PC.

8 years ago

Just to clarify about the general nature of being Australian gamers – which was poorly explained on the show – among the population we’re generally liberal, very easy going and relaxed, Irreverent, and with a stress free attitude that I think is pretty unique and widespread. Of course there some generational differences, where some – of not most – of the elderly are a bit more conservative, and for e.g., still bizarrely hold a level of deference to the fucking queen and royalty of England, as well as some social attitudes etc. But that is no way near as bad… Read more »