We bid a fond farewell to Sinan Kubba as he begins his new journey as a door-to-door Vita saleman. Or something like that. As one friend leaves another arrives, as we welcome Anne Lee into the inner circle. Also, final thoughts on Bloodborne plus a rousing round of Thumbs. Featuring Richard Naik, Brad Gallaway, Mike Bracken (!!!), Anne Lee, and Mike Suskie.

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9 years ago

Goodbye Sinan 🙂 was a pleasure hearing you host the show. Hope to hear you at least occasionally as guest on the show. Or you can start your own podcast with Tim hehehe [quote=Crofto]I like how Call of Duty gets called out for flogging a dead horse, but From Software are given a free pass. [/quote] Perhaps because there is a new CoD every year? And there are plenty who complained that Dark Souls 2 was just more of the same. Me included. I actually think Dark Souls 2 was extremely overrated here on Gamecritics. [quote]Furthermore, I do honestly think… Read more »

9 years ago

Crofto, AI is the next big interesting thing to happen in games. I think more than VR. VR is the next big step for immersion, but when immersion loses it luster and engagement is sought after, thats when hopefully, good improved AI will fill that need. engagement has longer lasting appeal then world/setting immersion. Have you played Driveclub ? PHHHEUYEW. What a perfect example of horrible AI for driving games. And the so-called simulation driving games, well, what is simulation about their AI ? Since I’m a biased twitch gamer, the only Simulation thing about Simulation drivers are it’s boredom… Read more »

9 years ago

Thanks a lot, Sinan! You’ve been a great host in the brief time that you’ve been a part of GameCritics and you’ll be very much missed. Congratulations on the new job! Hopefully it’s not so demanding that you can’t drop in on the podcast from time to time.

Welcome to the host seat, Ann! It’s always great to have you on the show and now that you’re a regular feature I look forward to hearing more about obscure Japanese games.

9 years ago

[quote=tom]1. How about that atrocious AI where most enemies commit ludicrous self exposing Kamikaze/suicidal attack patterns that leaves them open for the easy kill. That shit is a PS1 era shame fest. You know that the tension of being hit by a heavy attack is never a substitute for smart enemy engagement. Halo proved that 10 years ago. Which btw, where is the gamer zeitgeist, for the call for games combat to have better AI ? Notice the death of that previous near non-existent movement of wanting better AI, is now dead in the Souls series wake. That is not… Read more »

9 years ago

I’ll miss Sinan. He is a good podcast host who takes the role seriously and applies a lot of behind the scenes effort that really comes through when it’s showtime. I hope Sinan, if able, can be a semi-regular guest on the show. Ann, Stop Now!!! Cant you see the trial of tears and harm left in your predecessors wake when host of the GC podcast ….Oh wait. It’s all been fond memories, good fun and with a long history of top notch hosts. Good luck Ann. I have vastly different tastes in gaming then yourself, but that fact doesn’t… Read more »

9 years ago

Thanks for all the fish.

9 years ago

I haven’t listened to the podcast yet, but would like to join Crofto in saying thanks to Sinan and wishing him all the best in his new job; the amount of work he must have put in to hosting the show is phenomenal, and we’re all the better for it. Best of luck, hope everything works out!

9 years ago

Firstly, just want to say thank you and good luck to Sinan for the future. I’m delighted you’ve landed a job at an actual games developer and hope that it bodes well for you. Nice to have Bracken back too, if only briefly. On the topic of Souls (yet again!), I find it bizarre how you guys bring up valid complaints about DS and BB yet miss the glaring problems: the outdated tech the games run on. The best way to improve these games? Utilize the frickin’ hardware, for a start. The textures, lighting, amount of enemies on screen, and… Read more »

Tim Spaeth
Tim Spaeth
9 years ago

Come, Sinan. Join me in the sun.