Sinan Kubba is back in the hotseat alongside Brad Gallaway, Richard Naik, Chi Kong Lui and Mike Suskie. A bumper show this time around, with an even bumpier 40 minutes on Bloodborne. If you get Bloodbored, skip to the 47 minute mark for the rest of the show, where we cover Final Fantasy Type 0 HD, more Amiibo drama, more on Etrian Mystery Dungeon, and a feature segment on the state of multiplayer.

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Andreas Chi Hei Tang
Andreas Chi Hei Tang
9 years ago

1/ Chi, congrats to your new little girl, she is beautiful

2/ Great show, and love Sinan as a host.

3/ Chi, I’m a bit surprised you liked Fresh off the boat. Me and my friends just found it dull and boring… the humour was a bit too forced. We have just seen the first 2 so maybe it gets better…

9 years ago

Good show guys. I enjoyed the various perspectives on the discussion of Bloodborne. None of the perspectives one could find fault with really, because they were all valid. And it get’s 9’s across the board for all those problems? I can see why GC podcast is one of the better and more honest podcasts out there. For myself, one gigantic flaw that Souls and Bloodborne games have, and fanboys refuse to acknowledge let alone admit, is the truly awful AI and attack patterns. Almost all Souls enemies commit suicidal/kamakazi heavy attacks that leaves them open for the easy kill. It’s… Read more »

9 years ago

[quote=TickTock] There are some issues however: The really crappy frame-rate, which i don’t get mentioned often enough. The twitch nature of the game requires a good frame-rate, which this game simply doesn’t provide The awful loading times, which got resolved only after i had already completed the game The camera issues. What Richard mentioned is just the tip of the ice-berg – Try fighting some of the later chalice dungeon bosses while locking on – you’ll be fighting the camera more than the beasts [/quote] This is exactly the type of stuff I have been talking about since Dark Souls… Read more »

9 years ago

Great podcast as ever chaps. Though it does worry me that mine appears to be the first comment despite the podcast being up for a while now. Is this site on its last legs or something? A discussion on Bloodborne is surely something most long-time and even new readers/listeners would be drawn into? Anyway… I feel that Sinan having to repeatedly sign-post and almost apologise for there being so much talk on Bloodborne is overkill. Let’s get this straight: most of us listeners were just sick to death of Souls discussion since A) the majority of people had finished the… Read more »

9 years ago

I’ve platinumed Bloodborne a week ago, and have to say it’s one of the best (new) games currently on the market. Bloodborne was completely made for me. I was able to play the game to the fullest without summoning for coop (and it’ll be a cold day in hell before i pay any actual money to play online). They toned down the multiplayer aspects of the game in general, which is exactly what i wanted. There is no DLC, so Bloodborne feels like a complete package to me. I bought a PS4 just for this game and every cent was… Read more »