Brad’s Top 10 Of 2022

2022 is now in the rear view mirror, and overall I’d say it was a good year — in terms of videogames, if little else. Interestingly, the rising popularity of the So Videogames Podcast has meant that I had less time to deep-dive on games and less time to write full reviews, and despite playing a ton of titles over the last twelve months, there were still a large number that I just didn’t have the chance to properly evaluate… I did manage to settle on a top 10, though, and I’m pretty happy where I ended up!

Every Game I Played In 2022

As editor of GameCritics and the co-host of So Videogames Podcast — and also as a person who just generally loves videogames — I strive to sample as much of the industry as I can. What’s the new hotness? What’s the current design trend? I’m also always on the lookout for hidden gems or indies that fly under the radar, so it basically means that I try a ton of titles every year! For anyone who’s curious what my year of plays looks like, here it is, in the exact order that I played them.

Alex Prakken’s Top 10 Of 2021

2021 has been an odd and difficult year, but it was superb for gaming. With the announcement of the Game Awards nominees, I realized I played more great games this year than perhaps any other year in my life.

Suskie’s Actual Top Ten Of 2021

2021 was a year that broke our brains just a little bit. You don’t need me to tell you that, and I’ve already spoken about this elsewhere anyway. I finished fewer games this year than any other year in recent memory. As a critic, I’ve generally believed that I should at least make a valiant effort to complete a game before judging it – the more of a work you’ve seen, the more informed your reaction to it will be.

Ali’s Top 10 Of 2021

With 2021 gone, it’s time to reflect on the experiences it brought — especially as a gamer! I played 70 titles in 2021 (yes, I actually spent half an hour counting them for you!) and I’m here to introduce my top 10!

Suskie’s Fake Top Ten Of 2021

If you’re a frequent and longtime reader of GameCritics, you may have noticed that my output has dried up significantly over the past year. Take a look outside and I don’t think you can blame me. While the hope for a better tomorrow was what kept me running (albeit mostly on fumes) in 2020, that better tomorrow never came, leading to a 2021 in which energy-sapping depression seeped into every aspect of my day-to-day life, right down to my gaming habits. Up became down, hot became cold, and I got way into an MMO for the first time in my life while stuff that would have grabbed me under normal circumstances failed to gain any traction.

AJ’s Top Ten Of 2021

2020 was much easier to break down in terms of games that were my favorite to play, and the number one was such a standout. 2021 was a very different year. While a lot of players complained about a lack of meaningful triple-A titles early on, I found myself overwhelmed by exceptional smaller games — I really struggled to pick which I liked the most.