According to ESRB, this game contains: Violence
Tag: Xbox
Just Cause Review
The successful balance between exciting innovation and comfortable familiarity is a delicate one. It's true that large doses of creativity can sometimes lead an otherwise solid project wildly awry, but on the other hand, there's little value in rehashing ideas and not going far enough. In the case of Just Cause, the developers have innovated with one shining addition, but otherwise let the scales weigh heavily with well-trodden material.
Destroy All Humans! 2 – Review
Destroy All Humans! 2 – Consumer Guide
According to ESRB, this game contains: Crude Humor, Sexual Themes, Strong Language, and Violence
Urban Chaos: Riot Response – Second Opinion
Unlike Dan, I didn’t think that’s turning a riot cop into a hero was that great a leap considering that the world in its current state has so many things for the average American to be afraid of—at least, according to the current administration.
Sneak King – Review
Available at Burger King restaurants nationwide, PocketBike Racer, Big Bumpin’ and the subject of this review, Sneak King are available for $3.99 each with purchase of a value meal. Although I was slightly ill after eating the food, I have to say that I did feel as though my indigestion was worth it.
Sneak King – Consumer Guide
Although there is no violence, no questionable language, and no sexual content, parents should (obviously) be aware that the game is chock-full of beat-you-over-the-head Burger King advertising. It's not subtle, it's not subliminal, and there's absolutely no mistaking that the game is one long commercial for fast food. That […]
Reservoir Dogs – Review
Reservoir Dogs – Consumer Guide
According to ESRB, this game contains: Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Strong Language
House of the Dead III – Review
Aside from Nazis (who are probably chosen because they're a great human representation of absolute evil) the zombie is the hardest working stiff in all of videogames (pun fully intended). And while Romero's zombie universe has served as the template for the earliest zombie games (including the much-lauded Resident Evil series), developers have begun to emulate some of the new breed of zombie as well. One of the games to do this quite successfully is Sega's House Of The Dead III.
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