According to ESRB, this game contains: Blood and Gore, Intense Violence

Parents should be advised that Doom 3 is rated "M" and as such is in no way appropriate for children. It is very bloody, scary, and contains some profanity. It also contains faux-religious images, including a rather elaborate recreation of Hell, which may be too intense for young gamers. With respect to the 9.5 score, which is a very high score reserved for only the best games, I should note two things. First, I am primarily concerned with the single player game, and that is where Jon Carmack and his team were clearly focused.

If you are a multiplayer fan, then adjust the score downward accordingly. The hastily tacked-on multiplayer aspect is mostly average, save for the cooperative campaign. Second, I'm an avid fan of the genre. Doom 3 contains all the conventions that fans like me love about shooters, and that turn off many others.

This is a game specifically for first-person shooter fans, not for those looking for a genre-shattering innovation. For longtime fans of the series, there is a special edition of the game available that contains the original Doom and Doom 2 packaged with the game.

Deaf and Hard of Hearing gamers will miss out on a substantial degree of audio cues, as well as miss out entirely on audio logs, which often give codes for stashed ammunition and supplies. Additionally, the weapon that is essential for defeating the final boss explains itself by speaking for a couple minutes after it is found. Although with a cheat sheet it's possible to play through the game fully, audio is integral to both much of the information in the game and to the design of the gameplay.

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According to ESRB, this game contains: Blood, Violence

Parents may find Invisible War to be a little too intense for young children (and they are unlikely to be able to understand the story), but it's not gratuitously violent or profane.

Adult gamers looking for a game that earns its "Mature" rating with substance rather than gore will definitely enjoy the game.

Xbox owners have another great action RPG, and in some respects fans of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic will find a good deal of similarities with regard to moral choices and character development. PC owners need a high end rig to run this game, and I don't mean that lightly. Even people with top of the line graphics cards have had some trouble running the game.

Fans of the original may or may not like the changes. They are significant, but the focus of the game is intact and better than before.

Deaf and Hard of Hearing gamers get subtitles, but I felt that a great deal of in-game audio was integral to the experience. It will be playable for sure, but some of the nuances will be lost.

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According to the ESRB, this game contains Violence

Parents have little to be concerned with aside from mild fantasy violence and some dark, overarching themes of a struggle between good and evil.

Xbox owners probably overlooked Nightcaster in the wake of Halo, Dead Or Alive 3 and Project Gotham Racing, but don't worry—you didn't miss much. If you really like this game, though, you might check out the sequel, already on store shelves.

Action-RPG fans might enjoy the game to some degree, but there are much better games out there in the same genre, including the Diablo games and Hunter: The Reckoning.

Deaf and Hard of Hearing gamers: all of the dialogue has subtitles.

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According to ESRB, this game contains: Blood, Suggestive Themes, Violence

Parents, take note that this game has some blood and gore, and some rather suggestively dressed characters. It's no Mortal Kombat in terms of sheer gore, but it is quite a bit darker and lacks the comical undertones of Mortal Kombat.

Fighting fans, play Virtua Fighter 4. Or Dead Or Alive 3. Or Soul Calibur. Heck, play Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance. Just skip this underdeveloped travesty unless you are absolutely bored out of your wits.

Xbox owners are better off sticking with Dead Or Alive 3 and waiting for next year's more promising fighter, Tao Feng: Fist Of The Lotus.

Deaf and Hard of Hearing gamers have only the unappealing audio to miss out on.

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According to ESRB, this game contains: Blood and Gore, Partial Nudity, Violence

Parents, take note of the violence and realistic behavior of soldiers—it may be too much for young gamers. There is no dismemberment, but plenty of bloodletting from well-placed bullets.

Fans of Sons Of Liberty may enjoy the extras, but they warrant a rental more than a full purchase unless you are a die-hard fan of the action. Substance is best experienced by Xbox owners who have not experienced the original game.

Fans of stealth games, from Tenchu to Splinter Cell, should check out the games deep, realistic stealth engine.

Deaf and Hard of Hearing gamers will miss a significant amount of dialogue and in-game audio cues.

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According to ESRB, this game contains Blood, Violence

Parents take note: although there is mild violence but overall little in the way of objectionable content, this game has the potential to be extraordinarily time consuming for even a seasoned adult gamer, much less a younger gamer.

Fans of console RPGs in the vein of Squaresoft games should take heed that this game is quite a different (read: nonlinear) experience. However, fans of PC RPGs should feel right at home (note: this game is available for the PC as well).

Xbox owners have this as their only true RPG, but its definitely worth checking out. Ironically, I think that players with busier schedules will likely have a more enjoyable experience with the game, as it is best played in shorter spurts than the long sessions that so persuasively beckon.

Deaf and Hard of Hearing Gamers will miss out on the nice score, but nothing critical to gameplay.

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According to ESRB, this game contains: Mild Language, Violence

Parents have little to be concerned with. The violence in the game is not graphic or gratuitous, but fantasy action in the vein of popular science fiction films.

Xbox owners, particularly fans of Halo or Max Payne, should get a kick out of the intense action of Gunvalkyrie.

Fans of shooters, especially the cult classic Panzer Dragoon, should definitely enjoy the game. Oddly enough, many people who saw me playing the game commented on its similarities to Nintendos Metroid games. There are some interesting parallels, so fans of the series patiently awaiting Metroid Prime might enjoy it. Gunvalkyrie is a bit tough to learn, and seems more focused on the advanced gamer. However, a little patience is all it takes to enjoy this truly unique shooter.

Deaf and Hard of Hearing gamers will not miss out on anything particularly vital to the gameplay, save for some minor audio cues.

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According to ESRB, this game contains Blood and Gore, Violence

Parents may be best advised to keep the children away from this one. It is not as graphic as some of the more gritty, realistic games that have been released recently, but it contains enough gore and dismemberment to make it inappropriate for children. It also contains many pseudo-religious concepts that may be discomforting to those of faith.

PlayStation 2 owners, particularly those who are fans of classic games such as Resident Evil and Castlevania, should definitely check this one out. A rental is a must, and the depth of the gameplay makes a purchase a reasonable choice. If you're looking for a deep story or an emotionally charged epic, stay away. This ones all about the action.

Deaf and Hard of Hearing gamers will not miss out on anything that will significantly mire the gameplay.

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According to ESRB, this game contains: Mild Violence

Parents have little to be concerned with aside from the combat, which at worst resembles the battles of science fiction films such as Star Wars. PlayStation 2 owners should not hesitate to at least give the game a rental, though the brevity of the game makes the full retail price a bit much for casual fans.

Fans of Wipeout and its kin will undoubtedly enjoy this one. It may be viewed as a warm-up to the upcoming Wipeout: Fusion, but its a solid game in its own right and should not be overlooked.

Racing fans who enjoy the more sim-oriented games such as Gran Turismo will find the arcade-style gameplay of Extreme G III to be a bit lacking.

Deaf and Hard of Hearing gamers will lose some directional audio cues and the intense soundtrack, but nothing that will significantly hinder gameplay.

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Parents will find nothing objectable about the game, as it is merely a car-racing game, but due to its difficulty it is best suited to older players.

Dreamcast owners don't have too many other racing games available yet, but will likely be satisfied with this game for some time. Racing fans, particularly sim fans, will undoubtedly have their hands full with this game.

Casual racing fans may be turned off by the game's complexity, but those who have traditionally disliked racing simulators may find F355 Challenge to be more approachable due to its training modes and driver assist functions.

Deaf and Hard of Hearing gamers will not miss out on any critical gameplay elements.

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