Tag: Xbox 360

Ridge Racer 6 – Review

Say what you will about the Ridge Racer games (and we've all heard the various complaints), it's hard to deny they're fun. They're almost an anachronism in a gaming world where innovation and style are generally viewed more important than enjoyment (even if the innovative game sucks it still gets critical praise for being different in most cases). And yet, Namco keeps churning out sequels and variations on the theme. Ridge Racer 6 is no different.

Ridge Racer 6 – Consumer Guide

Parents will find nothing objectionable about Ridge Racer 6—except that maybe the fact that cars take no damage is unrealistic and could convince little Timmy that battering his way through traffic later in life is a viable approach to the morning commute. Casual Gamers seem to be the title's target […]

F.E.A.R. – Review

The outline of last year's hit first-person-shooter (FPS) F.E.A.R. (short for First Encounter Assault Recon) reads like a poignant satire on the immature state of big budget videogame development.

Tony Hawk’s American Wasteland – Review

American Wasteland is something of a return to its roots for the series. After the two Underground games and their Jackass-inspired shenanigans, American Wasteland gets back to the heart of the series—skating. Story mode finds players taking on the role of a country bumpkin who hops off the bus in Los Angeles with little more than his board and some big dreams.

Gun – Review

Famous for its wildly successful Tony Hawk series, they've struck out in a different direction and created a new entry in the sparsely populated Western genre. I'm sure that stuffy suits in a boardroom somewhere are nervous about Neversoft leaving the dry, over-milked teats of the Hawk cash-cow behind, but in my opinion, Gun is an extremely solid game and an enjoyable experience from start to finish, skateboards be damned.