Tag: Xbox 360

Full Auto – Review

In the end, Full Auto is a lot more fun than I expected it to be. The idea of driving and shooting is nothing new, but it's implemented well enough in this title to keep it interesting for the ten-twelve hours required to unlock everything. Add in an online mode (which was pretty laggy the one time I ventured on) and this is a game that might not be worth the full $60 price tag but would be well worth picking up when the retail price drops a bit.

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion – Review

Writing this review proved to be a great deal harder than I'd imagined. I think there are two reasons why: First, Oblivion is a huge and multifaceted game. There's a lot of ground to cover and it's easy to concentrate on the few negatives while skipping over a lot of the positives. Second, it's really hard to talk about the game without referencing Morrowind regularly.

Dead or Alive 4 – Review

In the hierarchy of videogame fighting titles, Team Ninja's Dead or Alive series (DoA) has always languished somewhere near the middle of the pack. Known more for its jaw-dropping visuals, scantily-clad female combatants, and the phenomena of "breast physics" than its fighting engine, the games have always been looked down upon by fans of loftier fighting series like Virtua Fighter, Soul Calibur, and even Tekken. However, that hasn't stopped the franchise from developing a loyal following.

Kameo: Elements of Power – Review

Before I sat down to write this review, I spent some time thinking about Kameo and what I wanted to say about it. I came to one conclusion right off the bat—but it was something I didn't want to say: I didn't want to make a big deal out of just how long this game has been in development.

Perfect Dark Zero – Review

Perfect Dark Zero is really a tale of two games on one disc—a single player offline mode so boring and banal that slogging through it is barely worth the effort and an online mode that is really fun. Unfortunately, I'm one of those guys who would rather play an offline game than an online one (particularly when it comes to a first person shooter), so I'm more disappointed than anything with this title.