HIGH Cleaning out a hallway, unscathed, with grenades and pulse rifle.
LOW The pathetically weak Flamer should be a sub-weapon.
WTF Only missing two Marines? Where were they??
HIGH Cleaning out a hallway, unscathed, with grenades and pulse rifle.
LOW The pathetically weak Flamer should be a sub-weapon.
WTF Only missing two Marines? Where were they??
I'm still trying to complete Yakuza 3 before anything big comes in for review, and I'm almost done. If my guess is correct, there are only one or two chapters left, so I'm hoping to wrap it up tomorrow. I've got to say, out of the three Yakuza titles I've played so far, this one has definitely been the weakest.
HIGH Rayne's animation is easy on the eyes.
LOW Everything else.
WTF Vampire bites make people… explode?
HIGH Watching what looks like a separately animated scene reveal itself as part of a level.
LOW Episodes that hang around long after they've stopped being interesting.
WTF Catman? Clock King? Every time I think I've seen the weirdest Batman villain…
HIGH Unique premise, strong visual style.
LOW Finicky controls, frustrating rooms with repeated deaths.
WTF Who did the atrociously poor job of wiring the school?
According to ESRB, this game contains: Blood and Gore, Fantasy Violence, Language
According to the ESRB, this game contains: Fantasy Violence, Suggestive Themes
You know, I'm really starting to hate the Game Boy Advance. Every time I get it packed up and put away, I hear about some new game sneaking in under the radar that I have to play. Every time I think that its library has officially run dry, there seems to be just one more thing for me to check out.
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