Tag: Piloting

Crimson Dragon Review

Tedium Can Fly

Crimson Dragon Review Screenshot

HIGH Saori Kobayashi's magnificent soundtrack.

LOW So this is what next-gen graphics look like, eh?

WTF Not realizing that the game has Kinect functionality and watching the dragon perform dozens of unprompted barrel rolls.

Race the Sun review

Mors Certa, Hora Incerta

Race the Sun Screenshot

HIGH Safely navigating an insane gauntlet of death at terrifying speeds.

LOW Seeing many of the same obstacles reappear two days on the trot.

WTF Why would anyone partake in this venture? Nobody survives it!

TouchTalk, Volume Five

Nano Ninjas Screenshot

Welcome back to a semi-regular feature here at GameCritics.com: TouchTalk. While this series was inspired by one of my old features, the Bargain Basement, I've got an all-new focus for an all-new phase in gaming. Rather than highlighting discounted gems in the used section of a retail shop, I'll be reviewing downloadable mobile games and apps that you might want to check out… and maybe some that you'll want to avoid.

Sine Mora (Vita) Review

You got Your Bullet-hell in My Side-scroller!

Sine Mora (Vita) Screenshot

HIGH It's… so… damned… pretty…

LOW Flying through the debris chute and failing to avoid the lasers.

WTF Why are the other powers not in story mode?

Steel Battalion: Heavy Armor Review

War. What is it Good for? Giant Walking Mecha.

Steel Battalion: Heavy Armor Screenshot

HIGH I managed to keep a crewmember alive for two consecutive missions. A personal best!

LOW Kinect-based quicktime events in a timed mission against a boss that can one-shot me.

WTF Twenty of my thirty crew members died by the halfway point of the game due to my incompetency. Why am I in charge of the platoon again?

Sine Mora Review

Friends in Time

Sine Mora Screenshot

HIGH You can't beat the feeling of imminent death suddenly giving way to absolute victory.

LOW Your friends don't like it when you curse the television so.

WTF Who's the wife when a bison fathers a wolverine?

Observations from PAX East 2012: Are video game gimmicks finally maturing?

Steel Battalion: Heavy Armor Screenshot

Being a 3DS and Kinect owner as well as a fan of Japanese robots/mechs, two neighboring games on the main exhibition hall of PAX East immediately caught my attention: Steel Battalion: Heavy Armor for the Xbox 360 and Spirit Camera: The Cursed Memoir for the 3DS. Both games are updates to game franchises that were once considered innovative back when they were first released.