Tag: Tecmo

Rygar: The Legendary Adventure – Consumer Guide

According to the ESRB, this game contains: Blood and Gore, ViolenceParents don't have much to worry about with either title. Dual Hearts is completely harmless, and although Rygar does have some blood spurts when killing bugs or monstrous enemies, it's nothing that hasn't been done in a thousand other games […]

Rygar: The Legendary Adventure – Review

2002 was a year of big-name games and even bigger hype. Some was deserved, some wasn't, but it was hard to avoid being bombarded by the media for those certain titles that shall go unpromoted in this review. Besides the discs that "everyone" was buying, there were a significant number of smaller efforts with gameplay as good (sometimes even better) than the so-called blockbusters.

Fatal Frame – Second Opinion

It pains me dearly to score a Tecmo game so low, but in all good conscience I just cant let them slide. Theyve always been known for extremely fun, solid and original games despite (generally) not having cutting edge graphics. Breaking with that tradition in Fatal Frames case, the graphics arent that bad but they seem to have gone astray when it came to the gameplay department. Very, very disappointing.

Dead or Alive 3 – Second Opinion

I'll admit that I'm not much of a fan of fighting games on consoles. I usually spent my time playing the Street Fighters and Tekkens in arcades because I believe the experience of a fighting game is much more exciting when you're actually playing against a human opponent. Considering that most of the people I hang around don't really care for video games, it's been hard for me to ever have a good experience with a fighting game at home. I always end up convinced that the computer cheats and is out to get me (which aggravates me to no end).