Tag: Techland

Dying Light: The Bozak Horde Review

Beat the clock… with a sledgehammer.

Dying Light: The Bozak Horde Review Screenshot

HIGH Playing what amounts to first-person Prince of Persia.

LOW Trying to accurately throw something heavy without the benefit of a predictive arc. This is stuff we need, developers.

WTF "So you've managed to kill all my zombies, have you? Maybe it's time to start killing each other! No, I don't have any idea why you would do that."

Dying Light Review

The Vaulting Dead

Dying Light

HIGH Watching a horde of zombies immolate as a molotov explodes in their midst.

LOW Falling off a zipline to my death for the tenth time in a row.

WTF Sure, I'll just toss all this medicine in a fire. No chance it'll be useful later!

Dead Island: Riptide Second Opinion

Redoing Your Voodoo, Bitch

Dead Island: Riptide Screenshot

HIGH There's a mission entirely about shutting off Sam B's awful damn song.

LOW The nearly-immortal chainsaw maniac final boss.

WTF The developers were so sure I would use boats that water enemies don't even trigger if you walk right up to them in the canals.

Call of Juarez: Gunslinger Review

Call of Juarez: Humdinger

Call of Juarez: Gunslinger Screenshot

HIGH Getting a high combo streak and topping it off by swerving out of the path of an otherwise fatal gunshot.

LOW The dueling is standard fare, and not much fun.

WTF According to Silas, he's crossed paths with nearly every notable figure from that time period.

Riptide, Soul Sacrifice and Mars War Logs

Dead Island: Riptide Screenshot

Readers will know that I am a huge fan of the first game, and even though it had some rough edges, it was a pretty brilliant experience. Unfortunately, Riptide isn't able to match up to that first title. The new character who uses hand-to-hand combat is lots of laughs, but the game itself feels like it was slapped together with very little care and isn't nearly as immersive or as atmospheric as the original.

Dead Island: Riptide Review


Dead Island: Riptide Screenshot

HIGH The new character's hand-to-hand fighting style is a hoot.

LOW Watching zombies infinitely spawn, clown-car style out of a tiny wooden shack.

WTF It's got the jankiest menu system ever created. How was this approved?

Game of the year… 2011?

Dead Island Screenshot

If you read this blog with any regularity, you probably remember that I was a huge fan of Dead Island last year. So huge, in fact, that I was one of the critics who chose it as our overall game of 2011. We got more than a few funny looks from other critics when we made the announcement, but I still feel good about the choice in comparison to what the competition was, and I definitely think it was the right direction to go.