The Flat-Earthers Were (Almost) Right
HIGH The final battle with #SPACEDEVIL
LOW Spending hours failing to upgrade my vampire.
WTF The Canadian Bear-Man questline.
HIGH The final battle with #SPACEDEVIL
LOW Spending hours failing to upgrade my vampire.
WTF The Canadian Bear-Man questline.
Asking players to buy a new Blood Bowl is always a tough proposition.
HIGH Finding out what was making noise in (redacted)’s cabin.
LOW It’s easy to screw up a run with a single bad click.
WTF That is one of the most unusual hint systems ever!
HIGH The giant bug boss chase is a welcome thrill.
LOW Endless, inexplicable deaths.
WTF I was killed six times by an invisible obstacle.
House of Ashes, the next game in Supermassive’s Dark Pictures franchise, just hosted a hands-off gameplay reveal and it seems as if the developers are focused as much on making up for missteps in previous entries as they are at telling a compelling story this time around. Given the content of the preview, I’d say they have a pretty good chance of accomplishing everything they’ve set out to do.
HIGH Battling a giant floof while wearing power armor.
LOW There’s no excuse for melee combat this awkward.
WTF The giant monster that wears teddy bear-themed pajamas.
Red Solstice was a high-quality squad-based mouselook shooter set on Mars, in which the player controlled marines attempting to survive a monster apocalypse. They had to explore a fallen colony while teaming up with AI marines to battle zombies and mutants while securing technology and making good their escape. In addition to a stellar solo mode, it allowed up to four players to team up online in campaign or skirmish modes together. In developing Red Solstice 2, the developers have really dug in on the multiplayer aspect, refining the hybrid shooter/RTS.
HIGH The classic ‘putting a broom in your pocket’ animation makes an appearance.
LOW Hint system, please.
WTF This interlude in the ancient Middle East is an odd diversion!
HIGH My first look at the Frozen Leviathan.
LOW Spending 90 minutes wandering in circles, looking for an alien door.
WTF That’s a remote-control penguin you’ve got there.
HIGH Metal Gear Garbage.
LOW An inexcusable plot contrivance.
WTF So… does everyone know about the boulder punching?
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