We Fthagned Like Wild Animals
HIGH The Therapist’s mad speech about lust.
LOW Guessing wrong and having to redo 20 minutes of exploration.
WTF Is that..? Yep, it’s a sex QTE.
HIGH The Therapist’s mad speech about lust.
LOW Guessing wrong and having to redo 20 minutes of exploration.
WTF Is that..? Yep, it’s a sex QTE.
It’s impossible to be certain exactly what Heironymous Bosch (the painter, not the cop) was trying to convey with his famous depictions of hell. He left no writings explaining his method, and the 15th century wasn’t a popular time for biographers to document the lives of artists.
HIGH Great combination of titillation and gameplay.
LOW Needing to click like crazy to disperse crowds.
WTF Women have an inner moustache?
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