Author: Sparky Clarkson

The Mooseman Review

The Light, the Heat

HIGH The sun rising over the lake.

LOW A totally illegible “stealth” section involving hiding from a fish.

WTF A giant spider killed me, then I immediately died again when I respawned.

Rainbow Skies Review

 Coulda Used That Pot Of Gold

HIGH Blowing through the final boss’ second form without taking damage.

LOW Any fight with more than six enemies.

WTF Who thought all these attack cutaways were a good idea?

Smoke And Sacrifice Review

Swunge-ing In The Deep

HIGH Finally getting to an environment that isn’t swamp or snow.

LOW The first time I fast-traveled at moderate health and got killed by enemies before the world finished loading.

WTF How does this arrangement of swamp, blazing hot coal fields, and bitterly cold snow zones even exist?

The Red Strings Club Review

This Tequila Tastes Like Regret

HIGH The whole encounter with Larissa.

LOW A character dying because a safe-sounding dialogue option wasn’t.

WTF These cocktails might be better if they contained something else besides hard liquor.